Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cumbeast - Recycled Nastiness (2012) (Compilation)

Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Country: Finland
Quality: mp3 VBR V0 (Scene)
Size: 79mb


1. The Ancient Cumbeast (3:13)
2. Feasting (3:23)
3. Strangled with A Dreadlock (4:40)
4. Black Alley Bludgeonment (3:20)
5. Bum Basher (3:50)
6. Schlong Kong (3:10)
7. Dr. Dongledore (and A Cock with Butterfly Wings) (3:41)
8. Grandma Cremation (3:26)
9. Mangle and Mutilate (3:46)
10. Grizzly Death (3:38)
11. Unborn Delicacy (3:39)


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